Scarborough Village
              Western Cape, South Africa
Useful information
Did you see a seal in distress? Do this!
What can I do if my BIN is stolen?
Do you want to LOG a COMPLAINT?
Please contact the *Complaints Centre*Â or phone 0860 103 089
đŚWater faults: WhatsApp 060 018 1505
âĄď¸Electricity: SMS 31220
đVagrants, noise, traffic, and Emergencies: 0214807700
đRoads&transport: 0800656463 or mailÂ
âOr log on
City of Cape Town (
About Schusterskraal picnic area
For any issues regarding cleanliness or organisation, please contact:
Office - 021 780 9100
Emergency - 086 110 6417
Cape Town launches app to report faults, view load-shedding timetable, access e-services and participate in municipal decision-making
You may log any service request by clicking on the link below and following the prompts.Â
You will need the following details to log certain concernsÂ
  Name and Surname
  Cell numberÂ
  Municipal account no
  Location of the problem
Any pictures would be useful but is not a requirement.Â
You could also contact the city directly for ANY municipal challenge on 0860103089.Â
For any emergency 0214807700
To escalate a municipal challenge that has not been correctly completed, follow these numbers,Â
Ask for a reference number when you call.Â
Electricity: 086 010 3089
SMS to 31220
Water and Sanitation: 086 010 3089
SMS to 31373
Cable theft: 0800 222 771
Land Invasion/Illegal occupancy:Â 021 596 1999 (24-hour hotline)
Emergencies: Call 021 480 7700 or 112 free from your cell or 107 from a landline
*Toll free call 080 065 6463*
When is the next Recycling day?
Village happenings calendar heređ
Western Cape government: Save Water
Why should we save water?
Fresh water is a scarce resource in the Western Cape, as rainfall varies from year to year. We depend on water to survive, and our growing population puts more demand on our natural resources, especially water. Everyone needs to ensure that our water is sustainable for future generations. Irrigating farmland for food production uses a large amount of fresh water.
Read further here:
The City of Cape Town Contact numbers:
SANParks: Help us fight crime
We urge our surrounding communities to continue to help us in the fight to curb crime within and around Table Mountain National Park, and encourage you to report any suspicious behaviour timeously to Table Mountain National Park emergency number on 086 110 6417.
What can you do when you come upon ensnared wildlife?
In Memoriam, Pat the tortoise
Julia Kramer
That night when our skies turned red,
the fire monster roaringÂ
foul breathÂ
small creaturesÂ
she trundled along
eyes wide
feet burning
there is the fence
and the wire
can not,Â
canât get away
away from the fire
Grande Dame of the wetlandsÂ
they found her,
after the fire
all the Kings horsesÂ
and all the Kings men
couldnât put this tortoise togetherÂ
rest softlyÂ
beautiful one
where the stream frogs know your name
that night our skies burned red,
life forever changed we said.