Rubbish collection and recycling
Rubbish is collected every Tuesday
Please put out your bin only early on a Tuesday, and not already the night before.
If your rubbish is not collected, send a Whatsapp to our councillor on 0825517230, with the detail: "uncollected, address and date".
Recycling is collected every second Tuesday.
We are lucky enough to share our environment with baboons; however, BABOONS WILL RAID YOUR BINS if they can. This is bad for all of us. Human-derived food rests and waste is damaging to baboons' health, and you will be left with the unsavoury task of cleaning up.
See the document below for ways to lock and secure your bin. The two-clip versions need extra locks, and other models need additional measures.
Send an email directed to Fran Gebhardt of TT Waste and Recycling at, for a guide to retro-fitting your bin.
Recycling is collected fortnightly. Please download the calendar here: Home.
Any problems with waste collection and recycling should be reported to the current contractors:
WasteMart: Kobus Prinsloo. Cell: 0828314948.
Recycling is a FREE service. Landfill sites are overflowing. Use this service! See below for what can, and cannot be recycled.
Flatten everything.
For more guidance on waste reduction methods like composting and worm farming, go to the Scarborough Environmental Group (SEG) section
The City also does NOT collect garden waste. See SEG section for further info.
You should store your Bins on your property inside your boundary lines. Please keep them locked at all times.
Residents or Businesses who have bins on the pavement for lengthy periods on days other than the scheduled collection day can be fined in terms of Clause 15 Littering and Dumping which reads as follows:
"Leaving the bins out on the pavement will amount to storage of waste.”
Which of these items cannot be recycled?
Interesting fact:
If you answered C, you are correct. Many people are under the mistaken belief that biodegradable plastic biodegrades naturally in the recycling waste stream. However, in South Africa it cannot and is not recycled, as there are no facilities to recycle this kind of plastic.
So, please keep biodegradables separate from recyclables
Living on the urban fringe is a lifestyle choice
You will have to take established preventative measures if you choose to live near natural areas, especially known baboon home ranges.
Solid Waste Management
Help us to protect Cape Town’s baboon population
Feeding of baboons is punishable under the Nature Conservation Ordinance, 19 of 1974.
How to secure your property
Make your premises unappealing to baboons.
Ensure that your household waste is securely stored in lockable bins that are kept in the garage until waste collection day.
Completely enclose vegetable gardens and compost heaps within a secure structure or surround them with an electric fence.
Do not plant fruit trees; otherwise, remove the fruit when it ripens.
The feeding of birds, porcupines, squirrels, and other wildlife also attracts baboons.
Baboon-proof electrified perimeter fencing is the best defense.
Electrified barriers under the eaves prevent baboons from climbing onto the roof.
Install burglar bars and security gates with bars less than eight (8) centimetres apart.
Feed your pets only inside and hide their food when they are not eating.
For information about what can, and cannot be recycled, download this document:
To discourage bin pickers and reduce the negative results of loose rubbish, for those with 2-clip bins, lock them with padlocks. The collection crews know how to open them by hitting the metal protrusions beneath the lid. See pic.
The Biodynamic Centre
For those residents who would like to support the local family-run False Bay Trading and Recycling company, place your flattened cardboard, white and brown paper, magazines, clean tins, and clean bottles in the respective containers inside the shed at the Biodynamic Centre.
Welcome to the bio-centre!
Please do not leave black bags of rubbish at our facility as we do not have the proper equipment to handle it. If you are unsure of how to use our center, please reach out to us via DM and we will be happy to provide you with an induction.
We have several drop-off options available at the Bio Centre, including:
• Kitchen organic waste (vegetables, meat, cheese, seafood, food leftovers, etc.)
• Garden waste (leaves and grass clippings ONLY)
• Recycling clear bags (flattened cardboard and clean containers ONLY)
• Ecobricks
• Ocean plastic
• Clean jars
• Books
• Dog poop
Please note that there is no dumping allowed at the Bio-Centre. Thank you for helping us keep our facility clean and safe for everyone.