Septic Tanks

Scarborough is on a sensitive septic tank system. It is recommended that every effort is made to ensure that no foreign objects are flushed down the toilet, as this could lead to blocking. Sanitary bags are available at grocery stores.

All newer houses have to use conservancy tanks rather than septic tanks so as to minimise pollution. Conservancy tanks need to be emptied regularly.

If you need a tank emptied, it is best to contact the City of Cape Town (0860 103 089) or submit your request here: Make sure that you obtain a reference number during the call.

Septic Tank Health

A healthy Septic Tank can happily work for you for a long time.

Regularly “feed” your Septic Tank with enzymes that will assist in the breakdown and conversion of the waste products that end up in the tank. “Sanitree Bio Enzyme granules” available at the Hub, work like a charm.

Use biodegradable or single-ply toilet paper that breaks down easily.

To avoid excessive filling, limit the amount of water that goes into the tank. Adjust the float valve in the cistern, and add a brick or a full 2-liter soda bottle.

“Faithful to Nature and Earthsap” make a full range of alternative products that do the job. or

also try Triple Orange All Purpose Cleaner Wonder Gel.

Find Bio-degradable / compostable alternatives.

Give the tank space, and mark it clearly so that you can find it when you need to. Do not build or pave on, over, or near a septic tank or drain lines.

When the tank is full or has stopped working,  call in the experts. 

Grease or harsh chemicals such as cleaners, solvents, bleach, drain cleaners, pesticides, gasoline, and paint can destroy a Septic Tank. Avoid them! 

These can also destroy your Septic Tank 

Do not put non-biodegradable items—including dental floss, disposable nappies, kitty litter, condoms, female hygiene products, facial tissue, and cigarettes—down a drain or toilet.