Scarborough Village Association
If you would like to become involved in the SVA, please complete this FORM.
Our country faces an ever-growing set of challenges. Communities need to be resilient, independent, capable and united.
The SVA is a flexible, dynamic organisation, structured to quickly meet the challenges facing our community at the southern tip of Cape Town. It allows for broad participation by all those who call Scarborough home.
The SVA is responsible for
Representing the residents of Scarborough to the City of Cape Town and other civic organisations
Coordinating the activities of volunteers within the village via small Teams
Raising funds via membership subscriptions to finance the activities of these Teams.
The SVA is an inclusive organisation – membership is open to everyone who owns a property or lives in Scarborough, owners and renters alike. Payment of an annual membership fee is all it takes.
The SVA functions as follows:
Members of the SVA meet at an AGM and elect an Executive Committee or Exco for short – between 4 to 8 people. Their function is to coordinate the activities of the Teams by ensuring that they perform their tasks in line with the will of the Village; also, to allocate funding when needed.
Task Teams
The bulk of the work is done by Task Teams – a group of people focused on accomplishing a particular task. Our village is full of talented and energetic people – botanists, lawyers, teachers, doctors, plumbers, and scientists. Many would like to help with specific projects but don’t want to get stuck with an endless commitment. Team members need only commit the time they have to tasks they are happy to perform.
The TTs report to Exco and Exco in turn reports to the village. In this way, Exco has oversight and monitors the TT activities and is in turn responsible to the village, who elected them.
What are Tasks?
A comprehensive list follows below. Examples are Roads & traffic, Water supply, and Community centre. For each identified Task, a Team is formed to deal with it.
Why it works
The system allows for broad participation by all who live here. Volunteers can focus the time they have available; on the types of activities that they care about. By sharing the load widely, getting the job done is easy and conducive to community building.
The SVA needs capable, committed people to join in, and help where they can.
The Teams
The list of Teams changes with the evolving needs and capabilities of the village.
Some Teams are always active, eg, Waste & Recycling, Building Development, Community Centre, Roads & Traffic, and Community Care.
Others are created for a one-off event eg. Fibre Installation (conversion from copper to fibre lines), Water Security (during the drought), CV19 & lockdown (pandemic response).
As situations arise, new Teams are formed eg. Dog Matters, Water Quality, BnB & guesthouses.
Scarborough Village Association Task Team Functions
Coordinate baboon related issues affecting the village. Liaise with organisations ie., City of Cape Town, NCC, SANParks, Cape Nature.
Liaise and assist Baskloof Private Nature Reserve re access permits, path maintenance, signage, alien vegetation management.
BnB & guesthouses
Liaise with BnB owners/operators re compliance issues regarding waste, noise etc. to ensure guests are positive visitors to our village.
Building development
Manage departure approval, architectural monitoring of building projects. Engage with builders & owners to ensure compliance and respect during building operations eg. road access, site toilets, building hours, noise, waste management.
Business activity
Engage with village's commercial enterprises to identify and resolve issues regarding, noise, parking & signage.
Civic organisations
Ensure that Scarborough’s links to greater Cape Town are maintained by active participation in regional organisations such as FSPCF (Far South Peninsula Community Forum), GCTCA (Greater Cape Town Civic Alliance), FPA (Fire Protection Association), City of Cape Town and our Ward Councillor.
Communication & networking
Coordinate village communication channels: web site, newsletters, Telegram and WhatsApp groups. Manage the Scarborough Pod network – the collection of groups which ensure that neighbours are connected at street level.
Community care
Identify and care for vulnerable, elderly and sick residents in our village.
Community centre
Assist The City to effectively manage both maintenance work and events at the Community Centre.
Dark skies
Preserve the village's unique dark sky attributes by encouraging sensitive lighting practises.
Dog matters
Encourage responsible dog management; track incidents; mediate and assist in resolving problems; support law enforcement process when needed.
Green space & fire risk
Protect and improve public open space, unmade roads, public pathways, road verges. Identify overgrown private & public areas that pose a fire hazard. Contact owners & The City to resolve issues.
Promote and strengthen ties with our neighbouring communities e.g. Misty Cliffs, Kommetjie, Noordhoek, Ocean View, Red Hill, Plateau Road.
Forum for organisations working within our neighbouring communities. e.g. Redhill Food & Literacy Project, Redhill Animal Rescue.
Roads, traffic & stormwater
Monitor & liaise with City re road & storm-water maintenance, traffic calming, signage & law enforcement.
SANParks Liaison
Liaise and assist SANParks on matters of shared concern e.g. waste management, alien growth, infrastructure, fences, wildlife, events.
Liaison with village security operators (CIS & ISS), Keepers, SAPS, CPF. Finance, maintain and operate the security camera network.
Promote and coordinate community sporting activities.
Improve telecom services by liaising with service providers for cell phone, landline and internet.
Village database & map
Maintain village database and related maps. Data to include resident's address & contact info, village infrastructure e.g. water mains, water valves, fire hydrants.
Village info
Compile all info relevant to the village. Create documents to be made available to all residents and visitors. Form guidelines and create docs for hospitality operators and their guests. Create a website to facilitate the distribution
Waste & recycling
Encourage correct waste management practises by sharing info, monitoring both residents and City behaviour. Liaise with City and contractors. Encourage local recycling entrepreneurs. Liaise with restaurants and local business. Manage local recycling facilities.
Water supply
Reduce water losses by ensuring reporting and emergency repair of water leaks. Record all leak locations and causes. Record and map all water infrastructure.
Water-wise & water security
Encourage water-wise practices and sharing of water knowledge and experience eg. gardening, rainfall collection, enviro friendly products. Provide expertise and funding to provide water infrastructure to assist with activities such as water security and firefighting.
Water quality
Monitor and report on the increasing impact on surface and groundwater, created by our current methods of wastewater disposal ie. septic tanks, soak aways and conservancy tanks. Encourage the transition to responsible wastewater management.
Wetland protection
Protect the status of the wetland on our southern boundary by ensuring regulatory compliance of intended developments. Monitor alien growth which threatens the fragile wetland ecosystem and creates a fire hazard.