The Scarborough Environmental Group
Bio Centre Signage!
The Bio Centre is the home of The Scarborough Environmental Group, and as you walk around, you can see some gorgeous signage and art created by many residents of our village. We are incredibly grateful for everyone's input. The latest addition is this stunning signage crafted by Zena. Thank you all so much for your contributions.
Make eco-bricks with all your non-recyclable plastic and packaging
Message from Mireille about our Ecobricking day
'Thanks to the good people that helped sort and ecobrick the beach plastics. Much appreciated.
Doing this kind of voluntary work has two benefits; one is that one is giving back to the greater good, two is that one meets interesting people who are consciously trying to change their world. '
Would you like to join us? Please complete this FORM.
I am pleased to announce that our three oystercatcher chicks have successfully fledged and are now flying so three new birds from four nests in Scarborough, making this year's breeding season a great success already. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their support, especially to Basanda Mbanjane Lombo from our coastal bird's mentorship initiative. When asked to perform weekend bird watching duties, Basanda did not hesitate, demonstrating his sincere commitment to conservation. Your dedication is truly appreciated. Lastly, I would like to credit Jean Ramsay for the accompanying photograph. Kelson.
Doggy-doo to brown gold: containing the precious cargo
We have a new initiative in Scarborough: to turn kak into compost, we all need to be using compostable bags (made of 100% vegetable matter) when they use the SEG bin facilities. It's not an easy task as there are many suppliers of plastic bags out there. That's why we're reaching out to our community to support Kudzie's new entrepreneurship of selling only 100% compostable dog poop bags to the community.
Kudzie will also be helping us with the poop patrols around the village, ensuring proper disposal. Dog poop can be detrimental to the environment, and unfortunately, the problem is getting worse. So, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who picks up their dog's poop and other people's as well.
If possible, please support him by buying the bags directly from him. You can contact him directly via WhatsApp, and he is in the village at the bio center every Tuesday and Friday. He can accept cash, transfer, or payment via QR code. It's R100 - for four rolls of bags, which is really great value!
Would you like to know more about sea turtles? Download this document from the Two Oceans Aquarium
Wesley from Soilscopes will be taking samples of our compost and soil.
Organic Agricultural Consultant | SoilScopes
SoilScopes is a Professional Soil Testing Laboratory Specialising in Soil Microbiology and Land Management. Reducing Fertiliser Use Through The Revolutionary Soil Food Web.
From ocean waste to environmental education
SEG takes on the mammoth task of monitoring our waste and environmental performance. They have established a Biodynamic Centre in the village for recycling, garden waste, composting, and worm farming. They regularly hold beach clean-ups, monitor illegal dumping, and liaise with our waste collection services.
Follow us on our website.
You can find the Biodynamic Centre on Melkhout Street (opposite the Hub).
Extra hands and input are always most welcome. To join, contact Kelson at
The various bees in our bonnet

Please make a wide berth when you see this sign on the beach.
We are making every effort to ensure that these chicks grow up safely.
The thing about Rat Poison
Dear Scarborough Residents
We kindly remind you that the use of rat poison has no place in our community. As many of you may know, Scarborough is bordered by a nature reserve and the negative impact that the use of rat poison can have on our local wildlife is tremendous.
We understand that dealing with pests can be a difficult task, but there are many alternative, non-toxic methods that can be used to effectively and safely control rodent populations. We strongly encourage you to consider these alternatives and avoid using rat poison at all costs.
Here are a few humane ways to deal with rats:
Use traps - Rats can be trapped and removed from the area without causing harm.
Seal entry points - Rats can enter homes and buildings through small cracks and holes, so it is important to seal any potential entry points.
Eliminate food sources - Rats are attracted to food and garbage, so properly storing and disposing of food and trash can help reduce their population.
Use natural repellents - Certain plants and essential oils can be used as natural repellents to keep rats away.
Professional extermination - Hire a professional pest control service that uses humane methods to control rodent populations.
Education- Encourage the community to learn about the habits and habitats of rats and how to prevent them from becoming a problem in the first place.
Thank you for your cooperation in protecting our community and the precious wildlife that surrounds us. SEG 💚
Look out for our dog poo bins placed in and around strategic places in the Village. SEG uses your dog's waste in a dog poo worm bin to produce very useful worm helpers for compost making.
To learn more about worm composting, read this article:
Would you like to become a SEG-STAR? Find more info here:
We are pleased to announce that we have already collected R60800 with the renewal and new SEGSTARS memberships. We are very grateful to those who have already paid for their membership and warmly invite new members to join. This amount will cover our annual expenses, and we thank you 🙏. If you have not become a member yet, please consider doing so. For the price of only two coffees per month, you will give us the opportunity to keep up with our current initiatives and introduce new ones ❤️. SEG
Scarborough Effluent Management
We are discussing septic tanks , conservancy tanks , retrofitting , compost toilets , microorganisms .... awareness , be proactive and be part of the solution. Watch this video:
*2022 SEG timeline*
When added all together in a year, it blows one's mind to see how much this incredible group of people has achieved. Thanks to everyone involved, and we wish you all a green and Chillax end of the year.
Love to all.
Our 2022 in a nutshell
SEG bank balance R16492,62.
Collaboration with Ocean View Organic Farmers - a kos gangsters initiative - and Anthula Lagum TCG’s Kitchen, Saturday Scarborough community market.
#ShareTheShores: Very positive Oystercatchers breeding results from the past four years and the methodology introduction “exclosures” for plovers.
Ocean Plastic initiative, a collaboration with Michelle Beattie, Alistair Berg, and Waste-ED (Ecobricks).
The Organic kitchen waste facility keeps growing from strength to strength; we estimate that around 30-40 tons were processed at the bio-centre, and the black gold is sold back to the community via Bob and Kudzie creating entrepreneurship and circular waste management.
Dog poop initiative @ bio-centre, the demand keeps growing. We estimate that more than 4 tons annually are turned into compost for our community gardens.
Successful Scarborough Fair raffle to support the SEG young eco group.
We launched the SEGSTARS membership programme.
Zoom meeting; Water Quality with Kate Snaddon, Community Solar with Sun Exchange and Che Roberts, and Scarborough effluent management.
Indigenous trees initiative: We started our own tree nursery, planted around 40 new indigenous trees, and hacked hundreds of alien trees.
The Deep South Council of Environmental Grassroots projects was initiated.
Outdoor environmental awareness Initiative, failure, and success have been shared with groups and many children from other communities; Mon Couer NGO from Masiphumelele, Naturelore Institute Noordhoek Generation School, Love in a Bow l Hout Bay, ARKYS Outreach NPC, Kommetjie Enviro group, Abalimi Bezekhaya Khayelitsha.
Poop Patrol initiative by Simon once a month - dog poop cleanup.
Friends of the Dunes initiative, raising awareness about our dunes and the fragile ecosystem.
FARMacy community medicinal herbal garden at the bio center.
Clear Bag recycling station at the bio-centre, a drop-off facility for SEGSTARS.
Friends of the Milkwood initiative raising awareness of our centennial trees and fragile forest ecosystem.
Acquisition of two new stretch tents for the bio center. During foul weather, we can host an OV vegetable market, community meeting, young eco group, enviro education, enviro workshop, and so on.
Workshops; seed savings with Franz Muhl, Ujubee wild bees with Jenny Cullinan, medicinal plants with Gael Grey, plants propagation with Lee Jones, Composting Toilets, Medicinal plants Boskos Garden & Nursery with Karen Parkin, and Planet A with Fridtjof Detzner.
SEG champions dinners at the bio-centre.
Garden waste facility (only leaves and grass cutting), Ecobrick drop-off, book exchange, and clear jars reuse facilities.
Beach Cleanup.
Y7 Summit Germany 2022 with Hannah Hopper.
A heartfelt thank you to @for_the_love_of_our_seas and SEG (young eco group) for their incredible donation of R10 680 in support of our Turtle Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release program; Two Oceans Aquarium.